North Carolina Commercial Litigation Lawyer

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North Carolina Commercial Litigation Lawyer

North Carolina Commercial Litigation Attorney

If you’ve spent time building a successful business, protecting that legacy is of utmost importance. Unfortunately, disputes in business transactions are common. When seeking a way to resolve these disputes, many businesses turn to commercial litigation. North Carolina commercial litigation attorneys can help you avoid the time and expense wasted in the courtroom by representing your interests and resolving problems without adversely affecting your business.

No matter what type of dispute you find yourself in, your time is better spent seeking new clients, running your business smoothly, improving the services or products your business offers, or taking care of things behind the scenes – not getting wrapped up in complex legal proceedings. Attorney Brian Steed Tatum and his team at the Tatum Law Firm understand your challenges and can do everything possible to handle your case with minimal disruption to your business. Our office is equipped to handle your needs effectively.

What Is Commercial Litigation in North Carolina?

Commercial litigation refers to a type of business litigation, although many confuse the two terms. While business litigation refers to any type of business-related dispute that may arise, commercial litigation specifically pertains to commercial transactions.

Commercial litigation can come in a litany of forms in North Carolina, including breaches of contract, payment disputes, misrepresentation or fraud, shipping and transportation disputes, or other matters related to business transactions. The cost of this type of litigation can be expensive, and taking cases like these all the way to trial has the potential to cause more harm than good. The Tatum Law Firm can handle these disputes efficiently and quickly, oftentimes without the need for trial.

When a trial is unavoidable, we can do whatever is possible to reduce clients’ costs. We also have extensive courtroom experience in business law and understand how to achieve a favorable outcome on your behalf. If you find yourself facing any kind of commercial dispute, a commercial litigation attorney from our firm can help you determine the correct course of action to take.

How a North Carolina Commercial Litigation Attorney Can Help

When you’re facing a potential commercial litigation issue or other business dispute, the worst thing you can do is ignore it. Most often, disputes like these cannot be swept under the rug. However your dispute stands, and whatever variables might be at play, your business can benefit from having a commercial litigation legal team on your side.

The attorneys at the Tatum Law Firm are skilled and experienced with these types of cases. We take these matters seriously and have a thorough understanding of the laws that may be relevant to your dispute. Past clients have included Wells Fargo Bank, Bank of America, Citigroup, and JPMorgan Chase Bank.

Whatever your case may involve, Tatum Law Firm has more than 20 years of commercial litigation experience, which we are ready to put to good use for your business.

Types of Commercial Litigation

At the Tatum Law Firm, we have handled a litany of different issues when it comes to commercial litigation and business disputes. These can include the following:

  • Breach of Contract: Our work has included operating agreement disputes, business contract issues, problems arising with the delivery of goods, product defects, or disputes arising in a partnership agreement.
  • Vendor or Customer Disputes: We have handled cases that include scheduling delays, poor business relations, and other conflicts that may arise between businesses and customers.
  • Unfair Trade Practices: These cases may include unfair or deceptive trade practices, as well as trade secret or intellectual property infringement.

If you’re dealing with any of the situations described above, you’re not alone. North Carolina litigation lawyers can help you navigate these legal issues and save your business vital time and money, which should be spent on furthering your company’s success.


Q: What Is the Difference Between Business Litigation and Commercial Litigation?

A: Business litigation refers to a legal dispute involving any aspect of a business operation, such as contracts, partnerships, mergers and acquisitions, shareholder disputes, employment issues, and intellectual property disputes. It can encompass a wide range of legal matters related to business transactions and operations.

Commercial litigation, on the other hand, specifically refers to legal disputes arising from commercial transactions, such as buying or selling goods and services, breaches of contract, payment disputes, shipping and transportation disputes, and other matters related to business transactions.

Q: What Are the Benefits of Commercial Litigation?

A: The most prominent benefit of commercial litigation is the ability to resolve things like contract disputes. These disputes might include breach of duty, negligence, improperly drafted contracts, or someone having bad faith when signing a contract. Because many businesses will enter into a multitude of contracts, there is always the possibility for a dispute to arise.

Q: What Are the Damages in Commercial Litigation?

A: When it comes to commercial litigation, there are a multitude of damages that can be sought after and awarded to the plaintiff if the case is won. These damages can often include incidental damages, liquidated damages, punitive damages – if malice or ill intent was involved – consequential damages, or compensatory damages.

Q: Is Commercial Litigation the Same as Securities Litigation?

A: Commercial and securities litigation are not the same. Typically, securities litigation is encompassed by the umbrella of commercial litigation. Securities litigation can involve legal disputes that are caused when securities regulations or laws are violated by one or more parties. These might involve allegations of securities fraud, insider trading, or fiduciary duty breaches by those in the corporate sector.

Contact a Trusted Commercial Litigation Attorney Today

Legal issues are a common occurrence in the business world. When these disputes and conflicts arise, there is always the potential for them to negatively impact your business and require precious time and funds to sort out.

If you find yourself dealing with commercial disputes, having a trusted legal team at your side is crucial. At the Tatum Law Firm, we are standing by to handle any necessary litigation so you can focus on the success of your business. Contact us today to discuss your case, and let us determine the right course of action to take.

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