Charlotte Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer

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Charlotte Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer

Charlotte Traumatic Brain Injury Attorney

If you or a member of your family has suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI) in the Charlotte, NC area, a Charlotte traumatic brain injury lawyer with a track record of success in such cases can be an invaluable tool for navigating this challenging situation. A good Charlotte personal injury lawyer will know how to maximize compensation through a claim for brain injuries or a wrongful death lawsuit, ensuring your family gets the resources you need to heal and move forward.

At Tatum Law Firm, PLLC of Charlotte, we understand the high stakes and complicated nature of traumatic brain injuries and the ensuing legal actions. A TBI incident can have life-altering consequences, not merely impacting the victim’s physical and mental health but potentially their career path and, in turn, the financial stability of their entire family. That’s why our team is dedicated to securing the compensation you deserve in the wake of a TBI or a wrongful death related to head trauma.

Founding partner Brian Steed Tatum relies on his track record of success, his intensive legal training, and the world-class team at Tatum Law Firm, PLLC, to ensure that every TBI case is handled with the attention and compassion it warrants. No matter how complex the circumstances you are facing may be, Tatum Law Firm can craft a highly effective strategy to fit your unique needs, ultimately resulting in a maximized compensation package for brain injuries and related damages.

Understanding Traumatic Brain Injuries

“Traumatic brain injury,” or TBI, refers to an injury where a sudden trauma causes damage to a person’s brain. This can happen in a variety of situations, such as car accidents, workplace injuries, violent assaults, or even simple falls. This definition can fit a broad range of specific injuries, from mild sports concussions to extreme blunt-force events that result in permanent brain damage. The symptoms of TBIs can be extremely serious and may, in some cases, be permanent.

Some potential symptoms of a traumatic brain injury include:

  • Memory Loss – Memory issues after a TBI can be short-term, long-term, or even permanent and can require intensive diagnosis to develop an effective treatment plan.
  • Pain – Obviously, there can be a great deal of acute pain associated with a traumatic head injury, but some victims will continue to experience persistent headaches long after the fact.
  • Personality Changes/Mood Swings – Damage to certain areas of the brain can have a significant effect on a person’s mood or their entire personality.
  • Vision Issues – The connective tissues between the brain and eyes, as well as the eyes themselves, are also at risk during head trauma events.
  • Difficulty Concentrating – Some victims of TBIs report trouble concentrating after their injury.
  • Trouble Speaking – Depending on what part of the brain is damaged, a TBI victim may also have difficulty speaking clearly or otherwise expressing their thoughts.
  • Impaired Motor Skills – Because the brain is a sort of command center for the entire body, a brain injury can manifest as a reduced ability to control the hands, legs, or other parts of the body.

TBIs in Legal Context – North Carolina

The setting and other specific details of the case will inform the strategy used for seeking compensation after a traumatic brain injury. For example, a TBI claim related to a head injury that occurred while someone was at work may need to be pursued through the workers’ compensation system rather than the North Carolina civil court system.

In many non-workplace cases, your attorney may try to reach a settlement in out-of-court negotiations, whereas in other, more contentious cases, you may need to litigate in civil court.

Taking legal action after a traumatic brain injury occurs can be a crucial step for protecting not only your rights but your family’s future and well-being. Many TBI victims face long-term or even permanent challenges that require extensive medical care and rehabilitation. Working with a qualified and reputable Charlotte brain injury attorney to seek compensation for your injury is a key way of ensuring you can afford these treatments for as long as they remain necessary.

Included among the legally compensable damages in a North Carolina traumatic brain injury case are elements such as:

  • Medical Expenses – A traumatic brain injury settlement should cover your medical care in the immediate aftermath of the injury, as well as any long-term treatments needed for rehabilitation. From ambulance rides to surgeries to physical therapy sessions and checkups months after the accident, a good lawyer will make sure your settlement covers it all.
  • Lost Wages – This part of your settlement should include compensation for any shifts you were unable to work as a result of your injury. Your attorney may also be able to argue for the inclusion of future earnings if your ability to make a living has been diminished by your traumatic brain injury.
  • Pain and Suffering – While it is impossible to put a price tag on what you have been through, it is important to remember that you are also entitled to seek damages for the pain and suffering you have endured. This means your mental and emotional anguish can be factored into a settlement, in addition to the physical harm you have suffered.
  • Wrongful Death – In tragic cases where a TBI leads to an individual’s untimely death, we are prepared to help surviving loved ones fight to pursue justice and restitution for this unspeakable loss.

Common Causes of Traumatic Brain Injuries – Charlotte, NC

In a busy metro area like Charlotte, North Carolina, traumatic brain injuries can result from any number of situations. A few of the more common scenarios we encounter in our work as North Carolina’s premiere traumatic brain injury law firm include:

  • Automobile Crashes – This leading cause of TBIs can be broken down into many subcategories like DUI, distracted driving, motorcycle crashes, trucking accidents, and reckless operation of motor vehicles, to name a few.
  • Workplace Injuries – Falling building materials and accidents involving heavy machinery can put construction workers at a heightened risk for workplace TBIs, but it’s important to understand that serious head injuries can happen in nearly any industry, given the right combination of circumstances.
  • Slip and Fall Accidents – Even a commonplace falling accident can, unfortunately, lead to a serious TBI, especially if someone falls from an elevated height or onto a very hard surface.


Q: What Is the Average Settlement for a Traumatic Brain Injury Case?

A: The average settlement for a traumatic brain injury case is difficult to determine because many cases are settled through out-of-court negotiation, and the specific financial details of those settlements may not be available to the public. Suffice it to say that traumatic brain injuries can result in substantial settlements for injured parties.

Q: What Is the Compensation for a TBI?

A: The compensation for a TBI (if you can prove that the injury was due to someone else’s negligence or wrongdoing) should include direct financial losses such as medical treatments and compensation for missed work, but can also include certain intangible elements, such as pain and suffering. Your attorney can help you calculate the maximum amount of damages you should seek from the liable party.

Q: Are Personality Changes After a TBI Permanent?

A: Personality changes after a TBI can be permanent in some cases, yes. In other instances, someone may enter a depressed or traumatized state in the immediate aftermath of a serious injury but ultimately recover from it with proper treatment and support. It is important to consult directly with a medical care provider for comprehensive answers.

Q: How Long Will It Take to Settle My Traumatic Brain Injury Claim?

A: The length of time it will take to settle your traumatic brain injury claim can greatly vary. Some of the factors that can determine how long your case takes are the extent and severity of your injuries, how clear it is who is at fault, how willing the insurance company is to negotiate fairly, the skill of your traumatic brain injury attorney, and whether or not the case needs to go to trial.

Tatum Law Firm, PLLC – Highly Effective Legal Support for Traumatic Brain Injury Victims

Seeking fair compensation for traumatic brain injuries can be a complex and overwhelming legal process. Insurance companies may attempt to make lowball settlement offers or downplay the severity of injuries to minimize payouts. Meanwhile, bad-faith corporate employers may utilize well-funded legal teams of their own in an effort to shirk liability for accidents. In this uncertain landscape, you need Tatum Law Firm on your side.

With over 20 years of success in fast-moving, high-stakes personal injury cases, we are the firm you want on your side when you head into court seeking compensation for a traumatic brain injury. Our founding partner, Brian Steed Tatum, is more than just an accomplished attorney. He is a steadfast advocate for injured North Carolinians, and our firm’s sterling reputation is built on his unwavering dedication to his clients.

Let our strategic, results-driven approach to personal injury law help you get through this challenging period in your life. Contact our Charlotte, NC offices today so we can get started with a no-pressure consultation. By holding the parties who injured you responsible for their actions, we can ensure that you and your dependents are provided for financially.

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