Author Archives: Brian Steed Tatum

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Sep 16, 2014
Who Is A Household Resident, Covered Under Uninsured Motorist Policy? It’s Complicated.

Who Is A Household Resident, Covered Under Uninsured Motorist Policy? It’s Complicated.

Sometimes an accident occurs and someone is injured, but the responsible person has no insurance or does not have adequate insurance to pay full compensation for the injuries or property damage. Fortunately, insurance coverage may…

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Sep 11, 2014
Landlord Who Didn’t Know Tenants’ Dog Was Dangerous Not Liable For Attack

Landlord Who Didn’t Know Tenants’ Dog Was Dangerous Not Liable For Attack

North Carolina is a “one bite state.” A dog that bites doesn’t get a second chance. The owner may be strictly liable for any damage the dog inflicts on either a human being or on…

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Sep 09, 2014
Plaintiff’s Failure to Practice Defensive Driving Could Lead to Verdict for Defendant

Plaintiff’s Failure to Practice Defensive Driving Could Lead to Verdict for Defendant

A driver traveling under the speed limit is passed by another driver, who then swerves into the lane directly in front of her. They collide. The passing driver is at fault, of course. Not necessarily.…

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Sep 05, 2014
Even if Plaintiff Is Negligent, Defendant May Still Be Liable in North Carolina If the Accident Could Have Been Avoided

Even if Plaintiff Is Negligent, Defendant May Still Be Liable in North Carolina If the Accident Could Have Been Avoided

It seems axiomatic that if one car hits another, the first car is responsible for the collision. It isn’t always that simple. In North Carolina, if the plaintiff driver brought the collision on himself or…

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Sep 02, 2014
Deputy Sheriff Responding to Call With Flashing Lights Could Still Be Liable for Crash

Deputy Sheriff Responding to Call With Flashing Lights Could Still Be Liable for Crash

A law enforcement officer driving his or her official vehicle must sometimes violate traffic regulations, such as stop signs, traffic lights, and speed limits, to pursue a suspected lawbreaker, or to drive as fast as…

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Aug 28, 2014
Hospitals and Health Care Professionals Held to Higher Standard of Care

Hospitals and Health Care Professionals Held to Higher Standard of Care

A woman was admitted to Chowan Hospital to have labor induced for the birth of her baby. She was admitted on a Friday night, labor was induced, and she was given the drug Pitocin on…

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Aug 20, 2014
In North Carolina Real Estate Lending Transactions, Let the Borrower Beware!

In North Carolina Real Estate Lending Transactions, Let the Borrower Beware!

Sometimes an investment in real estate pays off handsomely, and sometimes it doesn’t. A disappointed or defrauded investor may look to a lender to recoup losses, but such a strategy will not work in North…

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Aug 13, 2014
South Carolina Supreme Court Rules that Hospital Negligence Not Always Medical Malpractice

South Carolina Supreme Court Rules that Hospital Negligence Not Always Medical Malpractice

Someone who is injured by the negligence of a staff member at a hospital may have a basis for a lawsuit, for either negligence or for medical malpractice in South Carolina. The procedural requirements for…

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Jul 23, 2014
North Carolina Man Blacks Out Behind the Wheel of His Car and Kills Father of Four Girls – Found Guilty of Criminal Charges, What About Civil Liability?

North Carolina Man Blacks Out Behind the Wheel of His Car and Kills Father of Four Girls – Found Guilty of Criminal Charges, What About Civil Liability?

It took jurors three hours to return a guilty verdict in a case where a man, Lee Hutchins, crossed the center line on Highway 64 and killed the father of four young girls. Hutchins was…

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Jul 21, 2014
New Research Confirms that 440,000 People Die Every Year Because of Preventable Medical Errors

New Research Confirms that 440,000 People Die Every Year Because of Preventable Medical Errors

An article released recently by Take Justice Back published some alarming facts about medical care with their headlining sentence reading “[r]esearch has confirmed that 440,000 people die every year because of preventable medical errors.” The…

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